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4 Leftover Materials You Can ReUse

Materials You Can ReUseThere are hundreds of ideas all over the Internet about DIY which include buying materials from DIY stores. But what about the leftovers? What will you do with them? Our Manchester specialists have a few ideas for you in order to appreciate Recycle week. In case you have a little spare time and enthusiasm, you can try them.

1. Glass Bottles: Use Them To Make A Coffee Table

This idea is very easy to pull off. You’ll need a table top piece of wood with a wood hole cutter. The number of holes should be at least  3, so the table is stable enough. After you’re ready with that, you can use sanding paper to even out the edges. Apply a layer of varnish or paint, leave it dry for approximately 24 hours.  Apply a second one and leave it dry completely. Next you can place the wood piece on the bottles and apply polyethane glue. It will hold the glass and wood tightly together, so the table is stable. Keep in mind that if you’re planning on using it in the yard, the varnish, paint and glue must be suitable for the the outdoors.

2. Scrap Wood: Make a Puzzle Piece Photo Frame

DIY Picture FrameIf you have left over laths from a DIY project, you can use them for a DIY photo frame. You can cut them into rectangular pieces and puzzle them together in a mosaic pattern.  Once you’re satisfied with the pattern, you can glue the pieces together. After that apply different colours of paint and leave the frame dry.

3. Upcycled Suitcase: It Makes Great Pet Bed

Recycled Cat BedIf you have an old suitcase but don’t want to throw it out, you can modify it into a lovely pet bed. The first step is to remove the upper lid so it doesn’t close by accident. After that you can affix shorter or longer furniture legs or leave it like this. The choice is all yours. If you’ve decided to affix the legs, use a cordless drill to make the holes and then attach the legs with screws. The final step is to place a soft pillow, so your cat or dog are comfortable and voila. It’s ready.

4. Wood Pallets: 3 Ways To Re-Use Them

Pallets are a great material for upcycled furniture, as they can turn into practically everything – from coffee tables to bed platforms.

* Room Divider

If you live in a small one-room home, you’ll need to define the lifting space.  And why not test this upcycled DIY pallet room divider? The process is simple to carry out. You’ll need a few pieces of sandpaper, varnish, a couple of hinges, a drill, a screwdriver. Even out the surface with the sandpaper. Apply varnish if you’d like to add a more shiny finish. If you want a more rustic look, you can use dark wood stain instead.  After the varnish or stain have dried completely, drill holes near the corners and attach the hinges with screws. Once you’re ready you can put the pallet room divider up and place it in the desired place.

* Coffee Table

DIY Coffee TableYou can choose between two models. the first one is static and the second is mobile because of the furniture wheels. After you’ve taken care of the wooden surface, you can attach the wheels and, voila you have your own coffee table.

* Breakfast  Tray

DIY Pallet Breakfast Tray

You’ll need to cut a piece which will be most convenient for you to use. It’s obligatory to use sandpaper, so there won’t be splinters. After you’ve made the surface smooth and applied a layer of varnish or paint, you can affix a couple of handles. Thus the tray will be easier to carry.

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