Category Archives: Tips On Home Safety
Brr! It’s getting cold outside.

We’re quite sure everybody remembers the icy grip in the UK one year ago. Temperatures plummeting to -15°C marked one of the coldest winters for the past decade. Thinking of the freezing chaos and the life lessons we’ve already learnt, you should definitely consider taking measures against the cold snap and frozen pipes in advance.
Look at the bright side! Enjoy the snow showers by following Bob’s Handyman Services plumbing advice proven useful with time. See below when and how you know your pipes are frozen and our simple (but effective) guidelines to protect them regardless of your home presence or absence.
So, let’s go through them in more detail.
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Life changes drastically when you have a toddler in your home. You have to think of everything which might be the cause of an accident. But no matter how hard you try to secure everything, the real challenge appears when the kiddo starts roaming around and test everything. Continue reading →

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You can never be too cautious, especially when it comes to your home and family. So, in the spirit of Check Your Batteries Day, we’ve decided to inform you about smoke detectors and house fires safety. And you’ve probably had a security system and exterior motion lights installed, which make your home a a little bit safer. Continue reading →
As winter holidays approach you come up with various decoration ideas. However circumstances change when you’re a parent, as you have to make sure your smiley junior will be safe. You haven’t probably thought about it before but now holiday decoration has to be child-friendly. Continue reading →
There’s nothing stronger than forces of Nature. However, unless you’re a billionaire, you might want to protect your home from natural disasters like earthquakes or landslides. After every big or small quake engineers and constructors learn what and how to improve when it comes to different buildings. Continue reading →

“I can do that!” is almost every DIY-er’s thought when it comes to home improvement, repair or maintenance. You think of all those movies where people who have never held a paint brush in their lives just dance around the the house and the result is a room that came out of IKEA catalogue. Continue reading →
You’ve made plans to spend New Year’s Eve or the rest of your days off in a luxurious hotel and you have to leave home for a few days. But what if…Something went wrong with the electrical grid or the pipes? What you can take advantage of is the tips below which will help you prevent damages while you’re away for the holidays. Continue reading →

The first step after the purchase or rent of your new home is to prepare it for potential disaster. Thus your home won’t be washed away by flood water. This will not only keep you save, but will help the building withstand the destructible force of nature as much as possible. Except the supplies of water, food and similar, there are a few more procedures on your to-do list. Continue reading →

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Holidays are knocking on the door. You probably decorated your home with shiny festive decorations. However, what you need to make sure is there are no troubles which will disturb your piece, quiet and holiday mood. There are a few thing you have to take care of before you enjoy the celebration with your family. Continue reading →
When DIY tips are used to give a detailed breakdown of how to go about different activities and tasks, DIY is usually quite simple to comprehend and, consequently, apply. However, despite the concept being quite simple, it never goes just right every time. When things turn sour, the tips become useless and cannot be depended on when undertaking a task that they are not designed for. In order for you to lower the likelihood of DIY going wrong, it is important that you are able to seek guidance. Continue reading →